Marigold and Eczema

Natural Remedy for Eczema:


As a consumer of all things that smell wonderful, I understand the pull to purchase amazing smelling products.  Our products not only smell amazing but they can contribute to your wellbeing. 

Marigold (Calendula) for an example has been used medicinally for centuries.  Swollen, inflamed tissue is the ideal place to apply the healing properties of calendula. Reducing inflammation is also key to giving some irritation relief to the patient..  Eczema and dry skin  respond to Marigold due to its  high triterpenoid content.

Interesting facts:

Calendula is a modern Latin diminutive of calendae, meaning "little calendar", "little clock" or possibly "little weather-glass".The Romans discovered that it bloomed on the first day of each month hence the name.  The common name "marigold" refers to the Virgin Mary.

Romans and Greeks used the golden calendula in many rituals and ceremonies, sometimes wearing crowns or garlands made from the flowers. One of its nicknames is "Mary's Gold," referring to the flowers' use in early Catholic events in some countries. Calendula flowers are sacred flowers in India and have been used to decorate the statues of Hindu deities since early times.


The beautiful flowers were once used as a source of dye for fabrics. By using different mordants, a variety of yellows, oranges and browns could be obtained.

There are about 15–20 species

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